


Birth weight, date, and gestational period collected as part of the Child Health and Development Studies in 1961 and 1962. Information about the baby's parents — age, education, height, weight, and whether the mother smoked is also recorded.


A data frame with 587 observations on the following variables.

  • id identification number

  • plurality 5 = single fetus

  • outcome 1 = live birth that survived at least 28 days

  • date birth date where 1096=January 1, 1961

  • gestation length of gestation (in days)

  • wt birth weight (in ounces)

  • parity total number of previous pregnancies (including fetal deaths and still births)

  • race mother's race: 0-5=white 6=mex 7=black 8=asian 9=mixed

  • age mother's age in years at termination of pregnancy

  • ed mother's education: 0= less than 8th grade, 1 = 8th -12th grade - did not graduate, 2= HS graduate–no other schooling, 3= HS+trade, 4=HS+some college, 5=College graduate, 6=Trade school, 7=HS unclear

  • ht mother's height in inches to the last completed inch

  • wt.1 mother's prepregnancy weight (in pounds)

  • drace father's race (a factor with levels equivalent to mother's race)

  • dage father's age (in years)

  • ded father's education (same coding as mother's education)

  • dht father's height in inches to the last completed inch

  • dwt father's weight (in pounds)

  • marital marital status: 1=married, 2=legally separated, 3=divorced, 4=widowed, 5=never married

  • inc family yearly income in $2500 increments: 0=under 2500, 1=2500-4999, ..., 8=12,500-14,999, 9=15000+

  • smoke does mother smoke? 0=never, 1=smokes now, 2=until current pregnancy, 3=once did, not now

  • time time since quitting smoking: 0=never smoked, 1=still smokes, 2=during current preg, 3=within 1 year, 4=1 to 2 years ago, 5= 2 to 3 years ago, 6= 3 to 4 years ago, 7=5 to 9 years ago, 8=10+ years ago, 9=quit and don't know

  • number number of cigarettes smoked per day for past and current smokers 0=never, 1=1-4, 2=5-9, 3=10-14, 4=15-19, 5=20-29, 6=30-39, 7=40-60, 8=60+, 9=smoke but don't know


The data were presented by Nolan and Speed to address the question of whether there is a link between maternal smoking and the baby's health for male births.

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The book by Nolan and Speed describes the data in more detail and provides an Internet site for accessing them: http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/users/statlabs


D Nolan and T Speed. Stat Labs: Mathematical Statistics Through Applications (2000), Springer-Verlag.

R Dataset Upload:

Use the following R code to directly access this dataset in R.

d <- read.csv("https://www.key2stats.com/Data_from_the_Child_Health_and_Development_Studies_1277_90.csv")

R Coding Interface:

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